Hey ho,
I am now officially 16 weeks as of last Saturday. I cannot tell you how good I feel. It is night and day compared to the first trimester. I have energy up the wazoo (yes, I said wazoo) and am ready to start organizing my house for baby. I am also raring to go baby shopping. Of course a lot of that cannot be done until we find out the sex of the baby, so I am in limbo for about another 3 weeks. Sigh.
My nausea is about 90% gone and I can cook most foods again - yay! Last night I made an andouille sausage and shrimp gumbo. It was spicy but hey, baby liked it. Spicy doesn't seem to affect me as much as eating too much at once does. Since your food digests slower, I have to keep that in mind and eat smaller, more frequent meals. Speaking of food, it is time for second lunch!
I also found out that I will get the rhogam shot at 28 weeks, unless Jeremy is negative too. There is a rh protein that is missing on my red blood cells (that is what rh negative means) and so now Jeremy has to go get a blood test to see if he is negative or positive. Just a little fact: 85% of the human race is rh positive, and 15% (me included) is rh negative. Go figure. So I can hope Jeremy is negative as well. The shot is an "insurance" of sorts; in case of the small chance (I fall or get into a car accident.... I'm knocking on wood right now) my blood mixes with the baby's blood, then this keeps me from attacking the baby (that sounds horrible doesn't it?) Not ME personally. My blood, of course.
I'll post a pic of my growing belly soon. It's definitely obvious I am prego now. Either that or I love me some Budweiser.
Well that's it for now. Time to go eat - again :-)
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