Could it be true? Could I finally be getting my energy back? For the first trimester, I've had those flu-like, achy fatigue symptoms for about 4-6 weeks, then it would slightly subside and come and go for the last few. What a tease. Last night at 9pm, I get this burst of energy - of course it was when I needed to sleep, but it seemed like a sign that the first trimester sluggishness was fading. This morning, I was bright-eyed at 6:30am, making muffins and coffee for breakfast. I don't mean warming up a muffin in the microwave, I mean baking carrot cake muffins FROM SCRATCH before work! I was baking because my appetite seems to be returning, too. We had Chipotle last night (my favorite) and it tasted better than ever. A few weeks ago, guacamole tasted pretty disgusting, but it didn't last night. Yay!
I'm sure the fatigue and food aversions and nausea will come and go, but for now I am going to enjoy feeling good and enjoy my growing belly. Which, by the way, hasn't grown too much yet. But, I know it will over the next several months.
I feel like I'm one of those women who (as long as I'm not full-on nauseous or tired to the point where I feel like I have jet lag times ten) will really enjoy her pregnancy. I'm looking forward to a growing belly, buying maternity clothes, getting smiles from strangers that hopefully let me cut in line at Target (just don't touch the belly or you'll get smacked) and the first time the baby will kick.
I'm really looking forward to the 16th week ultrasound. Maybe we will get lucky and be able to find out the sex. My appointment is in early March. Cross your fingers!
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